For the next stage of my journey outwards, I decided to take in the North American Nebula and the Pelican Nebula and set off at a good pace. Twice I overcooked my fuel scooping and ignored my proximity to the stars in question. Fortunately I was able to avoid all but the merest of damage, although I expect to have lost some of the shine on my paintwork when next I inspect the exterior of the Saxon Pride.
The views of both my targets for this leg of the journey were breathtaking and well met my expectations. I had been told by a much older and wiser explorer many years ago now, how if I had the time and the inclination I should venture out and take them in, as they were well worth a visit. I took this advice and was not disappointed.
I have slowed my progress, calmed the pace a little and feel that I have relaxed more into this journey/flight test.For now, I shall relax in the silence and take in the view of the Pelican nebula on the horizon.
They are breath taking, perhaps I will get the time to visit them for myself? - CMDR McNicholl